Taiwanese restaurant with cuisines introduced from the military village called “Si Si Nan Cun”. 來自台北眷村"四四南村"的台灣料理。

After 1949 civil war, this village became a home for the military and their families from China. As time went by, all sorts of food recipes were born and passed down from the food market in the area, thus, becoming the epicenter of Taiwanese cuisine. Si Si Nan Cun is Taipei’s first village and now located in the heart of Taipei. Not only can you feel the nostalgia of this old village, you will also enjoy the modern yet authentic culture in this area. 眷村是1949年後,來台之國軍軍隊,軍眷及家屬所居住區域。 眷村的特色是結合大江南北不同省份的美食文化,例:川菜、北方餃子、小籠湯包、牛肉麵、滷味⋯等等。形成了獨特風味的餐飲文化聚集地。而四四南村是台北第一眷村,位於台北信義區最具指標性時髦商圈。 四四南村市集不只能感受懷舊味道,也是最佳欣賞台北101的熱門景點。