Jameson Yap MINDFULNESS Solo Exhibition 靜。觀 彥晨個展 @ L124
08 May 2023
Jameson Yap MINDFULNESS Calligraphy Solo Exhibition is happening at L124 from 15th May onwards.
About Jameson Yap, the Calligraphy artist
Trained by his emigrant grandfather who arrived in Malaysia in the 1940’s, JY learned the artform under his tutelage and influence practicing on newspapers to perfect his stroke and calligraphic sensibility.
30 years of practice has led to the invention of JY’s singularly unique style, inspired by the flow of water in a river. He calls this form the River Stroke 流書.
A moving body of water is a powerful thing, yet it can find the path of least resistance around the hardest obstacles in its path to find its way. Water has the power to flow. Fluid and flowing the river achieves it will, always finding its way to its destination.
His endeavour is to show that calligraphy can be a creative, communicative, and emotionally expressive artform as opposed to purely placing emphasis on the style of writing. Through flow, gesture and emotion he hopes to express the distinctive style and influences of a Malaysian upbringing through his art.
This round, Jameson Yap invites you to immerse yourself in his mindfulness series. Wander in each character that’s channelled through his signature River Strokes and bask yourself in the strength and beauty of the flow.
書法大師 - 葉彥晨簡介
書法底蘊師承於1940年南下來到馬來西亞的爺爺。JY 葉彥晨汲取爺爺的教誨,沈浸在筆墨揮毫中。時間的河孕育生命千姿百態,亦同樣孕育了JY 葉彥晨在書法世界裡的靈氣和韻味。學習書法30載,他領略書法的博大精深,自創出「流書」River Stroke,以河流中的流水為靈感,繼續讓「流書」創作風格與世界對話。

This round, Jameson Yap invites you to immerse yourself in his mindfulness series. Wander in each character that’s channeled through his signature River Strokes and bask yourself in the strength and beauty of the flow.
Keep calm, observe and appreciate.
Here’s an invitation to discover not only art, but your inner self and emotion. Regardless whether it calms you down or stirs up emotion, this is the best opportunity to kick-start a deep dialogue between *your what you see and how you feel.